8 Things You Didn’t Know About Ectopic Pregnancy

Every pregnant mother has fears in her days of early pregnancy of issues like an ectopic pregnancy. But what happens when you fall under the suspicion of your pregnancy being ectopic? What does this potential diagnosis mean to you, and how do you navigate the process of managing the pregnancy? After experiencing my own ectopic…

Epic Stay at the Isle Casino and Hotel Bettendorf Iowa

Looking for a great location for a romantic, midwest weekend getaway? Look no further than the Isle Casino and Hotel in Bettendorf, Iowa. This year for Christmas, Dustin and I decided that in lieu of traditional gifts, we wanted to get each other experiences. Small trips or getaways where just the two of us could…

Changes We Are Making In The Way We Parent Our Third Child

Third time’s a charm. At least that is what they say, right? Well with the birth of my third child, came many things that my husband and I decided we were doing differently. Would we let this child swing from the chandeliers and slide down stairway banisters? Would we make her wear a helmet everywhere…


5 Books for Every Mom to Read for Personal Growth

Mama, are you feeling stuck in a rut? Want to take your personal growth to the next level, but don’t know where to start? ***Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. This means I may receive compensation for purchases made through these links. No worries, this is at no additional cost to you, but it…